This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Douglas Clifton.
Original Post: Google Earth: Katrina
Feed Title: blogZero
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Feed Description: Web Development News, Culture and Opinion
You don't have to be the President of the United States to "fly over" the Gulf Coast and see the devastation for yourself. You will need a XP box with some pretty serious horsepower to get the most out of the application however. Make sure you meet the minimum configuration requirements before you download and install it.
Once installed, you can see the amazing overlays that have already been compiled from various sources by visiting the Hurricane Katrina Imagery page.
My blog has been pretty quiet lately. With what free time I have, I'm more or less spending that time watching the news non-stop. Thankfully, we are finally started to see the evacuations that should have been happening days ago. You won't find any finger pointing here, but in my opinion this is yet another example of a disaster that could have been prevented. I'm not saying you can stop hurricanes, but many people have been saying for years that New Orleans was a sitting duck and still nothing was done about it. Not to mention the slow response when the scope of the disaster really stated to unfold on Tuesday.
I've been to New Orleans several times. I certainly hope we can rebuild it. Normally at this point I would say "enjoy" the links, but there isn't anything very enjoyable about seeing a major city of such historic importance destroyed. Help if you can, send some money to the Red Cross.