This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Douglas Clifton.
Original Post: A Little More Information About Feeds
Feed Title: blogZero
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Feed Description: Web Development News, Culture and Opinion
Obviously, authoring RSS and content syndication tutorials is nothing new. So I was a bit surprised, after recently published my own introduction, when the response was so positive and so many people began linking to it. This got me thinking, and I decided to start collecting a list of other really good tutorials.
To kick this off, I found a blog post titled A Little Information About Feeds at Six Apart, and immediately added the referenced tutorial About Feeds to drx. Hence the title of this post: A Little More Information About Feeds.
From time to time, I will return to the permalink for this post and add more resources in the form of comments. You are welcome to submit your own suggestions. I hope to create a comprehensive list that we can offer to anyone who wants a thorough understanding of content syndication, RSS and Atom feeds (or any other formats that come down the pike), and the applications and Web services people can use to get the most out of the technology.