This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Douglas Clifton.
Original Post: Jason says so Long
Feed Title: blogZero
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Web Development News, Culture and Opinion
Jason says So long, Technorati, and I don't blame him one bit. I've been increasingly frustrated with the speed, reliability and results of their system for months now. Even after the "new" Technorati came out recently, they seemed to have done nothing to improve the basic infrastructure of the system. It's just a new cover on an old book with a broken spine.
As for the acquisition rumors, I don't know who'd buy such a mess, but if someone does, I look forward to them improving it to a usable level. Pretty much everyone I talk to in the industry thinks the site sucks and we've just been waiting for it to get better because, well, it would have to at some point, wouldn't it? Well, I'm tired of waiting. Goodbye, Technorati...your url will darken the door of my browser no longer.
I've been saying the same thing in response to many blog posts with similar complaints. Fix the engine, worry about hype, sales, and user experience later. Hell, valuable results (content) and a decent response time are user experience.
One more example, and then I will leave this topic alone. I'm subscribed to several RSS feeds from Technorati that return result sets on certain blogs I watch. Every time, and I mean every I refresh my feed reader I watch the list: bing, bling, by one and then it stalls: