This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Douglas Clifton.
Original Post: Hey Apple: Fix Your Feeds!
Feed Title: blogZero
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Web Development News, Culture and Opinion
The Apple Developer Connection is a great resource. They have tons of content, including a large list of RSS feeds. Sadly, many of them are not well-formed, do not validate, or are otherwise broken.
With an excellent Web browser product, Safari, that has lots going for it and is marketed as having great built-in support for RSS, you would think they would pay closer attention to their own feeds. The other day I was reviewing feeds waiting for approval on Syndic8 and sure enough, there was an Apple feed, yet I could not approve it because it didn't validate.
I would have done so in a heartbeat, I would love to subscribe to many of their feeds, I would love to syndicate some of them on dnews, but I can't do any of these things until they fix their feeds.
I sent them an email, I said, "hey Apple, fix your feeds!" All I got back was an stupid auto-responder:
Thank you for contacting the Apple Developer Connection regarding RSS feeds. We appreciate that you have taken the time to send us your feedback. Please be assured that all of your comments have been forwarded to the appropriate Apple team.
That was a month ago. Their feeds are still broken. The really sad part is many of the problems are trivial, one person, maybe in an hour or two could fix all of them. Perhaps I should shout this time: