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by Stuart Langridge.
Original Post: Quickies
Feed Title: as days pass by
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Feed Description: scratched tallies on the prison wall
Catching up on all the stuff I’ve marked as Keep New in Bloglines before I go away for a week (how will you all cope?) to find ghosts in Cumbria.
Tom Coates asks where all the UK technology startups are. It’s not a bad point; there’s innovation going on but few companies being formed. Maybe this is just a symptom of the British character; setting up a company to do your idea seems slightly brash and over-self-confident. My big worry is that as soon as you set up a startup you’ll spend 10% of your time doing what you actually want to do and 90% of your time doing things that mean “running a business“.
Malarkey pimps Extreme Programming. I’ve always liked the concepts in XP, and here’s another example of people actually doing it in practice. Is there a problem in pair programming if the skill levels of the two programmers are unbalanced?
A couple of good Joel Spolsky pieces on usability testing and how there really are ‘the best programmers’. That last point ties in, sort of, with another excellent Paul Graham essay on What Business Can Learn from Open Source. That essay contains many fabulously quotable bits, including numerous bits about the spectre of “professionalism“, a code word for “it’s more important that you wear a suit and spout the company line than that you actually do good work“. There’s lots more on this over at including an excellent essay, Motherhood and Apple Pie.
Jeremy Keith stands up against Apple making use of Trusted Computing hardware on their new Intel machines and says “I’m with Cory on this one. If this turns out to be true, I’m switching to Linux.” Jeremy, we salute you; your freedom is more important than perceived benefits. That’s a big part of what we’ve been fighting for all these years, and a big respect goes out to you. You can grab and try out an Ubuntu PowerPC LiveCD on your Mac right now to see what you think of it without actually touching the hard disc.
Mark Pilgrim unleashes his mighty coding power once again and produces MagicLine , your personal search command line for a GreaseMonkeyed Firefox.