This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Simon Willison.
Original Post: Lockergnome reverts
Feed Title: Simon Willison: [X]HTML and CSS
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Feed Description: Simon Willison's [X]HTML and CSS cateory
I decided to hold off commenting on the news that Lockergnome were dropping their CSS layout in favour of a table based alternative until I had seen the new design for myself. I figured that they were probably just going to move to a transitional tables/CSS combination design with tables used to bypass some of the more taxing cross-browser issues. I think the following code snippet from their new front page speaks for itself:
A blockquote for indentation, inside a table that exists purely to apply a width, following on from two empty paragraphs for added vertical space? It's like CSS margin properties never happened. Welcome back to 1996.