This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by Stuart Langridge.
Original Post: Me ears are alight
Feed Title: as days pass by
Feed URL:
Feed Description: scratched tallies on the prison wall
Heard the Desmond Dekker song “The Israelites” on the radio today, and I haven’t been able to get the Maxell advert out of my head all afternoon. That was a great advert. Had a guy standing there holding up boards with the words of the song written on them, while it played on the soundtrack:
Get up in the morning, baked beans for breakfast
Sold out to every monk and beefhead
Woah-ohhhh, me ears are alight!
Why find me kids, they buck up and a-leave me
Darling cheese head I was yards too greasy
Woah-ohhhh! Me ears are alight!
and then it said “Should have bought Maxell“, Maxell being an audio tape manufacturer. “Monk and beefhead“. Class.