This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Web Buzz
by John Wilger.
Original Post: eXPlain Project Management Tool - 1.0 Released
Feed Title: ThatWebThing: Weblog
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Feed Description: Design, Usability and Programming for the Web
Weblog entries.
I’ve finally released the first public version of eXPlain Project Management Tool! eXPlainPMT is an open-source (GPL) web application to aid in the planning of projects using eXtreme Programming or other agile development methodologies. It’s main purpose is to serve as a sort of “story card librarian” for your project while still allowing you to adopt your own principles and practices within your development team.
Since releaseing version 1.0 on Friday, I’ve had a chance to see some of the data people have been entering into the demo site, and I’ve received some feedback from the mailing lists. It’s brought a couple of bugs and “innefficiencies” to my attention that should be resolved with the next official release. However, the software is quite useful in its present state, so please check it out and let me know what you think. (I especially welcome criticism so I know what you would like to see in order to make the tool useful to you.)