This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Lyle Johnson.
Original Post: Free Gmail Invitations to Good Homes
Feed Title: Lovable Lyle
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Feed Description: This weblog typically features articles about the Ruby programming language, the Semantic Web, or whatever else is on Lyle's mind on a given day.
As of this writing I have six Gmail invitations, so if you are one of those few people who wants a Gmail account and doesn't already have one, just send me an e-mail. The invitations seem to be pretty free-flowing these days and I'm guessing this means that Google is getting ready to go live with Gmail. So far I'm only using my account for mailing list subscriptions, but it does have a nice
I desperately need one. My mail box is flooded with great and funny emails with hilarious attachments. Mail me an invite and I'll show you what I mean.
I obviously need a gmail as my current box is like 96% filled...