This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by James Britt.
Original Post: Welcome to
Feed Title: ruby-doc
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Feed Description: New and updates for the Ruby Documentation Project web site.
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This is the ruby-doc Ruby documention homepage. It provides
A place to track developments concerning the RDP
A place to store assorted documents, both for/by this group, and documentation in general
A central reference site for tutorials, API and syntax refs, online books, Ruby articles, and the like
Something similar to the URL shortcuts ( for grabbing reference info.
In addition to a set of links and online documents, you can index core Ruby documention using special URLS. For example, the URL
will show the ri (Ruby information) for the String class. The URL
gives the info for the strip method of the String class.
Similarly, you can find pages in the online book, Programming Ruby , often referred to as the "Pickaxe" book.
will give you the page for the String class, moved directly to the page anchor for the strip method
Read: Welcome to