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Machine Tagging With Delicious

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Gabriel Horner

Posts: 62
Nickname: cldwaker
Registered: Feb, 2009

Gabriel Horner is an independent consultant who can't get enough of Ruby
Machine Tagging With Delicious Posted: Apr 26, 2009 2:33 PM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz by Gabriel Horner.
Original Post: Machine Tagging With Delicious
Feed Title: Tagaholic
Feed URL:
Feed Description: My ruby/rails/knowledge management thoughts
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Recently I introduced Machinetag and its machine tag trees. Now let’s apply them to Delicious bookmarks to organize them some. Is this the holy grail of tag organization? No, but hopefully it’s one step away from the unholy mess tagging has been.

First, if you don’t know what machine tag namespaces, predicates and values are, you should read the beginning of this machine tags primer. Second, this post is divided into four sections: Intro, Delicious Machine Tagging, Building a Delicious Machine Tag Tree and Conclusion. Feel free to skip around.


Since I consider machine tag trees an essential part of machine tags, let’s first get acquainted with them. Click here for a delicious machine tag tree. If you toggle the machine tags column on level 1 and open up the first branch, you should see something like this:

my delicious tree

You’re seeing my latest 100 delicious bookmarks organized by their machine tags. Some usage notes:

  • The toggle level number in the first column toggle the visibility of tree nodes at a given level. Level 0 toggles the top level nodes.
  • To filter the tree by a group of machine tags, use the wildcard machine tag field. An asterisk in any machine tag field(namespace, predicate or value) matches all values in that field. For example, to only see machine tags that have an app namespace and any predicate and value you would enter: app:*=*.
  • Click on any tag link in the first or third columns to automatically filter the tree with the related wildcard machine tag.
  • Click on the Machine Tags link in the third column to toggle the visiblity of machine tags.

Some things to point out about the tree and its tags:

  • The tree has three levels of hierarchy for tags: namespace > predicate > value. This is one more than delicious tag organization: tag bundle > tag.
  • A tree branch represents one machine tag and contains all the bookmarks tagged with that machine tag. For example, app > plang > bash corresponds to the machine tag app:plang=bash.
  • My namespaces, i.e. article, app (application) and gem, correspond to the main concepts/objects I associate with a bookmark. The predicates under them are the properties/attributes of those objects and the values are our traditional tags.

Now that you’ve seen how I use machine tags, I want to explain why I use them over traditional tags. It basically comes down to this point. Tags without a context like a namespace are more likely than tags with a context to become meaningless and useless the more they get used. Take for example the machine tag app:plang=ruby which refers to any bookmark that is an application based on the programming language ruby. Let’s say instead of tagging a bookmark with app:plang=ruby, I tag it with the separate tags app, plang and ruby. It won’t be too hard to find that bookmark at first. But what happens when I have 100+ bookmarks tagged with app? What if I want to use app to mean related to an application or maybe just generally about applications? At some point with any tag, its context matters. With machine tags, I’m always giving my tags a context. If app is in my tag’s namespace, I’m not wondering how it’s related to the word application. I know it is an application. Some semantic taggers understand the value of context, though they use it for different reasons. With machine tags, we’re essentially hand-rolling our semantic tags.

Machine Tagging and Delicious

If you search through the delicious mailing list and forums, there is only one lonely mention of machine tags. Although delicious doesn’t officially support machine tags the way Flickr does, one can still machine tag with delicious. Machine tags are just tags with a defined format after all. My delicious account going on 1000+ machine tagged bookmarks is one such example. Delicious accidently supports one wildcard machine tag search with its internal system tag. If you don’t already know, whenever delicious sees a tag in the format: namespace:value it also creates an internal system:has:namespace tag. If you haven’t noticed, that format starts in the same way as the machine tag format: namespace:predicate=value. So essentially, a delicious system tag is equivalent to the flickr wildcard machine tag namespace:*=. Knowing all this, we could machine tag a bookmark with dc:creator=SchachterJoshua and retrieve it with system:has:dc. And sure enough, some people are machine tagging in the dc namespace. If you start machine tagging on delicious, system tags are the only automated way others can peer into your machine tagged bookmarks by machine tag.

Building a Delicious Machine Tag Tree

In order to get wildcard machine tag searches and sweet tag management (which is better than delicious bundles imho), let’s build the delicious app we used earlier. Since we’re using my jQuery plugin Machinetag to do this, I’ll assume you know some javascript and jquery. If you want to play with the code, Machinetag has the delicious app bundled as a demo.

To create a machine tag tree we’ll need the following:

  1. A json feed containing our desired machine tagged content and its tags.
  2. A javascript function that converts that json feed to a format that Machinetag understands.
  3. A form that let’s us specify the feeds we want.
  4. Javascript to glue it all together.

1. Delicious Json Feed

The delicious feed page explains that a user’s json feed is in the format{user}. As an example, the user cldwalker has the feed If you look at the feed, you can confirm that we get a bookmark’s basic attributes including its tags. Mission accomplished.

2. Convert the Delicious Feed

Machinetag’s only expectation of a machine tagged object is that its machine tags in an attribute named tags as an array. Also, if I’d like to use Machinetag’s default display, the object should also have a url attribute with an optional title attribute. A delicious bookmark object has these three attributes but with different attribute names:

     "u": "",
     "d": "joshua's blog: on url shorteners",
     "t": [
     "dt": "2009-04-07T13:15:53Z",
     "n": "",
     "a": "petej"

This is easy to convert thanks to jquery’s $.map():

  function convertDeliciousRecords(records) {
    return $.map(records, function(e){ return {title: e.d, url: e.u, tags: e.t} } )

That’s it!

3. Create a Form

For my delicious tag tree I wanted to let the user choose a feed by a user and/or a tag. So I whipped this up:

  <form action="javascript:void(deliciousMachineTagSearch())">
    <label>Delicious User: </label><input type="text" id="delicious_user"/> And/Or
    <label>Delicious Tag: </label><input type="text" id="delicious_tag"/><br/>
    <label>Wildcard Machine Tag (optional): </label><input type="text" name="machine_tag" id="machine_tag_query"/>
    <input value="Machine Tag Search" type="submit"/>
    <span id="machine_tag_search_status" style="display:none"> Searching ...</span>

Notice there is also an optional wildcard machine tag input. A wildcard machine tag specifies a subset of machine tags.

4. JS Glue Code

This is where we put it all together:

 1   function deliciousMachineTagSearch() {
 2     var user_or_tag = ($("#delicious_user").val() != '') ? $("#delicious_user").val() : 'tag';
 3     var delicious_feed = ""+user_or_tag+"/";
 4     if ($('#delicious_tag').val() != '') delicious_feed += $('#delicious_tag').val();
 5     delicious_feed += "?count=100";
 6     $.machineTagSearch( $('#machine_tag_query').val(), {jsonUrl: delicious_feed + '&callback=?', cacheJson: false})
 7   }
 9   function toggleSearchStatus() { return $("#machine_tag_search_status").toggle();}
11   function convertDeliciousRecords(records) {
12     return $.map(records, function(e){ return {title: e.d, url: e.u, tags: e.t} } );
13   }
15   $.machineTagTree.defaultOptions = {recordName: 'Bookmarks', caption: 'All Bookmarks', appendWildcardHash: false};
16   $.machineTagSearch.defaultOptions = {
17     beforeSearch: toggleSearchStatus, afterSearch: toggleSearchStatus, displayCallback: $.machineTagTree,
18     beforeJsonSearch: convertDeliciousRecords, appendHash: false
19   };
21   $(function() {
22     if (match =\?(.*)/) ) {
23       var params = {};
24       $.each(match[1].split("&"), function(i,e) { params[e.split("=")[0]] = e.split("=")[1] });
25       if (params.user) $('#delicious_user').val(params.user);
26       if (params.tag) $('#delicious_tag').val(params.tag);
27       if (params.tag || params.user) deliciousMachineTagSearch();
28     }
29   });

First, let’s go over deliciousMachineTagSearch(), the function we execute when we submit the form.

  • Line 2: Decides if we’re creating a user or tag feed based on whether we’re given a delicious user.
  • Line 3-4: Adds a tag to the feed if a delicious tag is given.
  • Line 5: Specifies that the feed should pull in 100 bookmarks.
  • Line 6: Passes the wildcard machinetag to $.machineTagSearch() as well as the json feed. Notice that the json feed has a callback parameter. A callback parameter is necessary when fetching json from another server. The callback parameter’s name varies per api and is usually found in the docs i.e. delicious api docs.

Now for the remaining code:

  • toggleSearchStatus() is just a visual indicator that Machinetag is searching.
  • convertDeliciousRecords is what we created in step 2.
  • $.machineTagTree.defaultOptions and $.machineTagSearch.defaultOptions have mostly minor default options except for displayCallback and beforeJsonSearch. These are both necessary, the former to display machine tag trees and the latter to convert our delicious json feed.
  • The anonymous function starting on line 21 enables our application to take a tag or user parameter. If given a parameter, it executes a machine tag search.

In less than 30 lines we’ve written the delicious machine tag tree!


The focus of this post was to show how and why you’d use machine tags with delicious. There is one obvious problem with using them on delicious, sharing them. It will be difficult to do unless delicious opens up some kind of tag search api or a wildcard machine tag search like flickr’s. I’ve hinted that I think machine tag trees are better than delicious bundles for managing tags but I’ll have to save a real comparison for another post. For flickr users and for those interested in further machine tag experimentation, I’ve also built a flickr machine tag tree.

Read: Machine Tagging With Delicious

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