This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Gabriel Horner.
Original Post: I Am Machine Tag And So Can You
Feed Title: Tagaholic
Feed URL:
Feed Description: My ruby/rails/knowledge management thoughts
This post explains how you can use machine tags with your next web app or even your blog. With Machinetag, a jQuery plugin, you’ll be able to search and display machine tagged content as trees faster than Colbert can crack a quip. Well … maybe not that fast. Warning to fans of Colbert’s book, I may not be as funny.
The basic use case for Machinetag is simple. You have some items, records, urls (doesn’t matter really) that have been machine tagged. Now you want to search and display them. Enter Machinetag. Given an array of machine-tagged records or a json url pointing to some you can search away:
// To follow along in your javascript shell (i.e. firebug):
// $.getScript("")
var urls = [
{ url: '', tags: ['browser:feature=extensions', 'browser:company=mozilla']},
{ url: '', tags: ['browser:feature=none']},
{ url: '', tags: ['browser:feature=big_brother', 'browser:company=google']}
// Search urls that have a browser namespace.
$.machineTagSearch('browser:*=', {records: urls});
// => returns all urls
// Search urls that have a browser namespace and company predicate.
$.machineTagSearch('browser:company=', {records: urls});
// => returns firefox and chrome urls
// Search urls for browser with feature of big_brother.
$.machineTagSearch('browser:feature=big_brother', {records: urls});
// => returns chrome url
// If the above urls were in a json feed
$.machineTagSearch('browser:feature=big_brother', {jsonUrl: ''});
// => returns chrome url eventually (though json callback is recommended here)
As seen above, Machinetag expects a record’s machine tags to be an array in the tags attribute. Aside from that requirement, the records can consist of any attributes. Also note the search term passed to $.machineTagSearch(). It’s a wildcard machine tag much like Flickr’s wildcard machine tags. The main thing to know about this search format is that the asterisk serves as a wildcard character. This wildcard machine tag is also used with $.machineTagSearchRecordTags() which returns records’ machine tags that match a given wildcard machine tag:
// Using the above urls object.
$.machineTagSearchRecordTags('browser:company=', urls);
// => ['browser:company=google', 'browser:company=mozilla']
Now that you know how to search machine tagged content, let’s look at displaying them. Machinetag ships with an additional plugin to display your machine tagged content as a machine tag tree, jquery.machineTagTree.js. Here’s an example from my blog’s machine tag search results:
This machine tag tree is displaying all machine tags and their posts that match the wildcard machine tag post:*. Although only the post:lang=javascript branch is displaying it’s associated posts, you can open up any of the tree’s branches. Note that each tree branch represents a different machine tag that matches the wildcard machine tag. The machine tag tree is organized by namespace, predicate and then post i.e. post > lang > javascript.
Since this is probably your first time with a machine tag tree, you may be wondering why? Using a tree view, I can give someone, including myself, an endless number of quick views into my content. Here are some examples for my blog posts:
Posts about ruby gems with specific topics: gem:topic=*
Posts about specific core/standard ruby libraries lib:name=*
As you can see, the views of your content are as numerous as the keyword combinations you can think of! If you haven’t already, I recommend playing with my blog’s machine tag tree by clicking around. For further documentation on the slew of options for machine tag trees, read its source.
Final Words From Your Sponsor
You can install Machinetag by downloading it or using git:
Machinetag comes with a machine tag tree demo that you can play with yourself. The demo is suprisingly similar to my blog post search. The readme contains the setup instructions (it’s nothing more than copying some files). Also, a big thanks goes out to the author of treeTable jquery plugin on which machine tag trees depends.