Today was a crazy day. I moved this blog from Slicehost to Linode. I moved from Mephisto to Wordpress. And finally I moved my comments to to Disqus. (Maybe they’ll actually show up soon… or maybe not)
The move wasn’t that tough, but it has been something that has been on my plate for months. Wordpress has a few good things going for it, and whole lot of less desirable things (being written in PHP is #1 on my list). With the way shaping up as they have been, I haven’t had time to keep my Mehpisto blog up to date. I also don’t want my blogging platform to go stale, and Wordpress has lots of steam behind it still.
I still have to get up and going, and I still have a few random domains over at Slicehost on my VPS. I need to get to that, because this whole move was to save a few dollars a month, and the point would be defeated if I roll over into April.
After some thought, I think I’m just going to roll up into this blog. I don’t produce enough content to have multiple blogs any how.
So what’s next? More geekvids are coming, some longer videos as well, and hopefully some other big news that I’ll be able to share in the coming weeks.