MiniLight is a minimal global illumination renderer that has been translated to 7 languages and takes on average 570 lines of code. Neat! It's of course accompanied by some benchmarks. The results are unsurprising: C++ is the largest (951 lines) and fastest, followed by OCaml (461 LoC, 2.7X slower on x86 --- this is relevant because it's faster on AMD64) and Scala (427 LoC, 6.7X slower). The slowest versions are unsurprisingly Ruby (498 LoC, 575X slower) and Python (490 LoC, 173X slower); these languages have a hard time here, not being well-suited for numerical nor symbolic processing (both in terms of implementation effort and efficiency).
I took a look at the OCaml code and couldn't resist the temptation to clean it up a bit (I did not optimize it thoroughly, though, so there's still ample optimization potential --- the same can be said of all implementations, I suspect). You can find the modified MiniLight code here.
I essentially massaged the parts that screamed for a cleanup (some bad practices explained below), making the code 17 lines shorter in the process and the program substantially faster. I then realized that whereas the C++ version was using a very fast custom PRNG, the OCaml translation utilized the stdlib one, with an appreciable effect on the speed:
smits-large processing time
OCaml orig
OCaml, idiomatic pattern matching
OCaml, simpler record type for triangle
OCaml, custom PRNG
(AMD64, GCC 4.3.2, OCaml 3.11.1 with -nodynlink)
By using more idiomatic pattern matching and option types, the OCaml version goes from being 57% slower to just as fast as the C++ one, with fewer lines of code and more static safety (see below). With the same PRNG as the C++, the OCaml version is now 34% faster than the C++. Both admit doubtlessly further optimizations. Algorithmic ones will be easier to express in OCaml, but C++ will have the edge in terms of low-level code optimization.
Anti-pattern: if instead of pattern matching
Most of the speed increase was brought by moving from ugly if expressions to idiomatic pattern matching. The raytracer had code like
let emissionIn =
if (Triangle.Null = hitObject) || ((Triangle.Obj emitter) = hitObject) then
This feels wrong: when you have a variant type, you definitely want to pattern match, not to use if. As it turns out, the above code is also slower than pattern matching for two reasons:
Triangle.Obj emitter allocates a block in the heap that will be dead right away
it uses structural comparison (meaning that the object/record fields are compared one by one) instead of identity comparison
This is a simpler, more idiomatic way to write the above, which is also much faster (I use the standard option type instead of a new one that serves no purpose):
let emissionIn = match hitObject with
Some emitter' when emitter' != emitter -> vZero
| _ -> ...
It's easier to read too, as you don't have to analyze two boolean expressions, but only one.
Anti-pattern: tuples with boolean flags instead of option types