This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Jonathan Weiss.
Original Post: RailsConf Europe 2008
Feed Title: BlogFish
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Feed Description: Weblog by Jonathan Weiss about Unix, BSD, security, Programming in Ruby, Ruby on Rails and Agile Development.
Day two of RailsConf Europe 2008 is over and so are my two sessions.
On tutorial day Mathias and I did a 4h workshop on deploying and monitoring Rails applications. The tutorial went really well, apart from the AirportExpress base station not coping with 100 laptops connecting to it. In the practical part we had a FreeBSD server with 40 virtual machines running and helped the audience deploy an example application with git or svn and Mongrel or mod_rails.
On day two I held my Security on Rails session where I go over the various attacks and countermeasures against Rails applications. This session was also well received and I hope I could educate people a bit about WebAppSecurity.