This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Leon Katsnelson.
Original Post: New support for Rails 2.1
Feed Title: DB2 on Rails
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Agile development for enterprises large and small
Support for Rails 2.1 has been added to the latest version of the ibm_db gem (0.9.5). To install this version run gem install ibm_db on Windows. On Linux run the following:
Adjust these commands for your paths, shell and architecture (e.g. 32 vs. 64 bits).
Please note that at this stage we don’t recommend that you download the outdated Starter Toolkit for DB2 on Rails. Instead, please grab and install DB2 Express-C, install Ruby through the One-Click Installer, install Rails through gems (gem install rails) and then proceed to install the ibm_db gem as explained above. When you install DB2, ensure to select the “Base application development tools” as illustrated here.