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by Jay Fields.
Original Post: The Simplest Thing That Could Possibly Work
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the simplest thing that could possibly work -- it's a phrase held dearly to all agile developers, but it's also a common source of disagreement. I recently saw two different interpretations of the phrase that I considered to be worth sharing.
Often the emphasis of the phrase is like so: the simplest thing that could possibly work. However, I recently met someone who contended that the emphasis should be: the simplest thing that could possibly work. The difference is only emphasis, but it's a change worth considering.
I was also part of a discussion the other day where a developer was following a pattern correctly, but it was causing us to add a significant amount of additional code. This code would have supported several features that seemed nice to us, but our domain expert hadn't asked for any of those features. I would have been happy to go along if there was a small amount of code or if the nice features were on our roadmap, but neither of those things were true. I began to advocate for breaking the pattern and doing only what we needed to do. It allowed us to delete ~60% of the code we were currently working with.
At first the developer said "this is where we're going to disagree on the simplest thing that could possibly work." He argued that we were backing ourselves into a corner by not following the pattern; therefore, what I was suggesting couldn't possibly work. I took a few moments to consider his point of view. I concluded that he might be right, but deleting 60% of the code we were currently working with meant that the remaining 40% was so small that if we did need to rewrite in the future it would actually be easier than the amount of effort required to maintain the prematurely put in place architecture.
I believe there are occasions where the simplest thing that could possibly work is writing 10 lines of code today that do what you need, and deleting them tomorrow in light of new requirements.
There are, of course, a few caveats. I had been pairing with the developer for about 4 hours and was able to accurately assess what the difference actually was between what we were doing and what we could be doing. Once we both saw how much effort it was to follow the pattern, it was easy for us to trim to the simpler version. I think it would have been more painful to speculate on the pattern implementation effort, and we may not have agreed on the outcome.
Also, painting yourself into a corner when you can jump over the paint is fine, but if someone else keeps painting on the other side, you may not be able to get out. The small amount of code that we wrote can be rewritten in about an hour, but if someone else was going to add to that code then we have probably gone down the more complicated path. No one was building on our code so we weren't as worried about the foundation we put in place.