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by Jay Fields.
Original Post: Immaturity of Developer Testing
Feed Title: Jay Fields Thoughts
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Feed Description: Thoughts on Software Development
The ThoughtWorks UK AwayDay was last Saturday. You could over-simplify it as an internal conference with some focus on technology, and extra emphasis on fun. At the last minute one of the presenters cancelled so George Malamidis, Danilo Sato, and I put together a quick session -- Immaturity of Developer Testing.
It's no secret that I'm passionate about testing. The same is true of Danilo and Georege, and several of our colleagues. We thought it would be fun to get everyone in a room, argue a bit about testing, and then bring it all together by pointing out that answers are contextual and the current solutions aren't quite as mature as they are often portrayed. To encourage everyone to speak up and increase the level of honesty we also brought a full bottle of scotch.
We put together 5 sections of content, but we only managed to make it through the first section in our time slot. I'll probably post the other 4 sections in subsequent blog posts, but this entry will focus on the high level topics from the talk and the ideas presented by the audience.
Everyone largely agreed that tests are generally treated as second class citizens. We also noted that test technical debt is rarely addressed as diligently as application technical debt is. In addition, problems with tests are often handled by creating band-aids such as your own test case subclass that hides an underlying problem, testing frameworks that run tests in parallel, etc. To be clear, running tests in parallel is a good thing. However, if you have a long running build because of underlying issues and you solve it by running the tests in parallel.. that's a band-aid, not a solution. The poorly written tests may take 10 minutes right now. If you run the tests in parallel it might take 2 minutes today, but when you are back to 10 minutes you now have ~5 times as many problematic tests. That's not a good position to be in. Don't hide problems with abstractions or hardware, tests are as important as application code.
Another (slightly controversial) topic was the goal of testing. George likes the goal of confidence. I love the confidence that tests give me, but I prefer to focus on Return On Investment (ROI). I think George and I agree in principle, but articulate it differently. We both think that as an industry we've lost a bit of focus. One hundred percent test coverage isn't a valuable goal. Instead it's important to test the code that provides the most business value. Test code must be maintained; therefore, you can't always afford to test everything. Even if you could, no automated test suite can ever replace exploratory testing. Often there are tests that are so problematic that it's not valuable to automate them.
The talk was built on the idea that context is king when talking about testing, but it quickly devolved into people advocating for their favorite frameworks or patterns. I ended up taking a side also, in an attempt to show that it's not as easy as right and wrong. I knew the point of view that some of the audience was taking, but I didn't get the impression that they were accepting the other point of view. We probably spent too much time on a few details, of course, the scotch probably had something to do with that.
I wish we could have gotten back on track, but we ended up running out of time. After the talk several people said they enjoyed it quite a bit, and a few people said they began to see the opposing points of view. I think it was a good thing overall, but it's also clear to me that some people still think there are absolute correct and incorrect answers... which is a shame.
Next up, pro and con lists for browser based testing tools, XUnit, anonymous tests, behavior driven development, and synthesized testing.