This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by James Britt.
Original Post: Ignite Phoenix Will Happen
Feed Title: James Britt: Ruby Development
Feed URL:
Feed Description: James Britt: Playing with better toys
I had up for maybe almost a year now, with nothing more than a plea for someone to step up and basically make it happen. Well, Jeff Moriarty and Roger Williams have taken steps to make Ignite Phoenix a reality.
It looks like it will be happening in August, at the offices of (they host the monthly Phoenix Social Media Club meeting).
What’s needed now are talk proposals. The idea is to have two sets of short talks; short, as in under 10 minutes; short, as in pecha kucha short, as in no time to be bored or boring.
Suitable topics can be almost anything. No sales pitches. But see here for details.
In between the talk sets there will be a break for discussion and socializing.