This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Dave Hoover.
Original Post: Look Ma, No Server-Side!
Feed Title: Red Squirrel Reflections
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Dave Hoover explores the psychology of software development
When I launched the sexy page, I decided that it would only serve static HTML and JavaScript. I thought it would be an interesting constraint that would help me break out of my server-side tendencies. So I mashed in a Google Calendar and a badge that shows the latest posts from our Google Group. I was happy with how easy this was.
And then we launched Polyglot Programmers of Chicago and had our first meeting. Being the lazy organizer that I am, I didn't ask anyone to RSVP and we ended up ordering too much pizza and stocked too much beer. I pondered aloud at a recent Obtiva geekfest about my need for an RSVP system without any server-side dependency and Renzo suggested we use Twitter. Coming off of a couple weeks of obsessive Twitterhacking, I was keen to try it. (The Twitter API is a programmer's playground, add a <canvas> tag, and it's a programmer's amusement park.) So I hacked together our RSVP system in 10 lines of client-side code. First, I provided the link to submit the RSVP:
<a target="_blank" href="">RSVP to this meeting via Twitter</a>
Then, I read the RSVP's:
<script type="text/javascript">
function rsvp(json) {
var confirmed = document.getElementById("rsvp")
for (var i = 0; i < json.results.length; i++) {
confirmed.innerHTML += '<img src="' + json.results[i].profile_image_url + '" /> <a href="' + json.results[i].from_user + '">' + json.results[i].from_user + "</a><br />"
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
You'll notice I used Summize, which sits on top of Twitter and provides an excellent service for searching through Tweets in real-time. It's funny, when I code stuff like this I feel like I'm cheating. It's freeing to only need to think about the client-side and let the service providers worry about the rest.