We have been busy relocating to the US, but we are living there since 5 months now and so far it's a relatively positive experience. We miss things from Europe, but we also discover things that only exist there (or at least do not exist where we used to live). Which is great, in a way. We started a blog (in French) about our new life in the US, here.
I discovered twitter recently, and since, I'm using it on a daily basis, which can also explain why this blog was a little bit abandoned. Twitter is definitely a great way of communicating with people, I use it as much as IM (I still prefer Mail and IRC though). If you want to learn more about my recent activities, you might want to follow my twitter account, but I will try to continue writing articles on this diary.
I have also been quite busy working on several projects, the more interesting one IMHO being MacRuby. MacRuby was supposed to be a port of the existing 1.9 implementation of Ruby, for the Objective-C runtime, but it's now progressively turning into a new implementation of the language, since I started rewriting parts of the runtime. And this will theoretically continue in the near future.
If you're interested in writing Cocoa apps in Ruby, and do not want to experience the well-known problems of RubyCocoa, you should check out MacRuby (the 0.2 version was released yesterday). We plan to develop a RubyCocoa compatibility layer in 0.3, so that developers can easily check out their existing RubyCocoa application on MacRuby, and progressively port the code (which should be a trivial operation). If you want to learn more about MacRuby, you can subscribe to its blog, http://ruby.macosforge.org/news. I plan to periodically write articles there regarding technical aspects of the project.
I will introduce MacRuby to the Japanese Ruby community, within a few days at RubyKaigi 2008 in Tsukuba (near Tokyo). I will also profit of this trip to visit Japan, we plan to check out Tokyo, Kyoto, Nara at least, and staying at the hotel and ryokan. Steph and I have always been attracted by this country, so we are definitely looking forward to visit it. Maybe we will be able to use the little Japanese we learnt last year!
I will also make a quick appearance at WWDC 2008, on Wednesday afternoon, for the RubyCocoa lab. If you're around and want to say hi, please do :)