This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Jim Weirich.
Original Post: Rails Conf 2008 Summary
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Feed Description: Jim Weirich's Blog on Software Development, Ruby, and whatever else sparks his interest.
Wow, what a great conference! There was a lot of energy flowing at
RailsConf this year. Overall I’d rate this year as head and shoulders
above last year. I’m not going cover much here, but will direct you
attention to a Rails Envy
VideoCase that
Greg Pollack put together. The video is a series of very short
interviews with a number of presenters giving summaries of their own
talks. The only downside with the video is that I wish it was
available before the conference. I see there were a number of
interesting talks that I missed.
Followup on the “Modelling Dialogue”
Joe O’Brien, Chris Nelson and myself did a dialogue style presentation
on the difference between object modelling and data modelling. The
most common question I got after the talk was requests for book titles
to learn more about object oriented modelling. Here are the books
that Joe, Chris and I have recommended: