This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Jim Weirich.
Original Post: Artichoke Music Rocks
Feed Title: { | one, step, back | }
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Feed Description: Jim Weirich's Blog on Software Development, Ruby, and whatever else sparks his interest.
The Musician’s Birds of a Feather gathering at RailsConf was great. We
had a room full people, two guitars, a ukulele, a flute, several
harmonicas and an improvised drum set. Unfortunately, one of the
guitars was an electric travel guitar which had a dead battery,
therefore no way to really hear it.
However, the other guitar was a nice Epiphone accoustic which was
passed from player to player. It became the quickly became the basis
for most of the music performed that night.
I want to thank Artichoke Community
Music for supplying the
guitar. Travelling with a guitar by plane is a big pain, so I arrived
with nothing to bring to the music BOF. I called several local music
stores looking for a guitar that I could rent for an evening.
Artichoke music said they had a “not-for-profit” guitar that they
would let me borrow for a day. Not many stores would do that for an
out-of-town stranger.
So, if you’re in Portland looking for a good guitar store, check out
the great people at Artichoke Community