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by Patrick Lenz.
Original Post: Simply Rails 2 now available
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I’ve been hard at work getting my Rails beginner’s book Build Your Own Ruby on Rails Web Applications updated to reflect the changes and additions in Rails 2. Part of this process was making everything work even simpler than it has been in the first edition, hence the title change to Simply Rails 2.
All of the chapters have been reworked to incorporate the partially massive simplifications that have shipped in Rails 2 and I’ve also changed the database used in the installation to be SQLite, aptly changed from the MySQL default in both the first edition of the book and in Rails 1.2.
Shovell, the sample application developed over the course of the book, is also developed fully RESTful now, one of the complaints the first edition received.
The chapter on debugging incorporates the content from the former stand-alone article Debugging Your Rails App with ruby-debug introducing you to the newly gained debugging powers from Kent Sibilev’s great debugging tool.
The book finally came back from the printer last week and is now available for purchase from SitePoint in both PDF and hard copy form. They also sell a bundle of both as a special value pack. Of course the hard copy is also available for purchase from the usualsuspects.