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Ruby is a Playground, PHP is a Factory

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Kurt Schrader

Posts: 80
Nickname: kschrader
Registered: Feb, 2008

Kurt Schrader is an entrepreneur and a ruby programmer.
Ruby is a Playground, PHP is a Factory Posted: May 22, 2008 12:42 AM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz by Kurt Schrader.
Original Post: Ruby is a Playground, PHP is a Factory
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Feed Description: Tech and Business Ramblings by Kurt Schrader
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While reading yet another article on why PHP Sucks (today's witty twist, "but It Doesn't Matter") I realized yet another reason that I'm glad to be programming in Ruby.

Ruby, to me, is like a big open playground, while languages like PHP remind me of big industrial factories. I don't think that any of us would argue that industrial factories are more efficient for most things, but they also suck the creativity and life out of the people working in them.

For instance, why would you ever want to write code like this:

class DescribeNewBowlingGame extends PHPSpec_Context
    private $_bowling = null;
    public function before()
        $this->_bowling = new Bowling;

    public function itShouldScore0ForGutterGame()
        for ($i=1; $i<=20; $i++) {
            $this->_bowling->hit(0); // someone is really bad at bowling!
        }       $this->spec($this->_bowling->score)->should->equal(0);


when instead you can write this:

describe Bowling do
  before(:each) do
    @bowling =

  it "should score 0 for gutter game" do
    20.times { @bowling.hit(0) }
    @bowling.score.should == 0

You wouldn't. The first case is, at best, a bastard representation of the second case.

Of course, being out on the playground means that people get hit in the face with a ball once in a while, and everything isn't as neatly laid out for you as it is in a factory, but you also have the option to be creative, and not just do things like everyone else does.

And, sure, the playground is far more full of assholes than the factory, but these assholes are also more creative and entertaining to work with than people who just put widgets in place in a factory.

Plus the playground has that weird kid in the corner who's doing something totally crazy, but that just might be a genius, and if you get enough of these kids together, you're going to produce something that's much cooler and more creative than anything that gets built in a factory.

So you can talk all you want about big boring websites being written in PHP (or Java, etc).

As for me, I'll keep working in a language that encourages people to be creative.

Read: Ruby is a Playground, PHP is a Factory

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