I have a dilemma. I have three personal online presences. The first one is this blog, smartic.us. Next, there is my tumblelog, iHackRails. And finally, I’ve pretty chatty on twitter as bryanl. My issue these days is what do I post where?
I’ve come up with a simple set of rules for myself, and I’m gonna share here. My thoughts which actually took some thought go there on smartic.us. I like to put these thoughts here because I often post code and I like the comments this blog gives me.
I use iHackRails tumblelog to follow my online actions. I use it to subscribe to my online creations (delicious postings mostly) or other smaller items that don’t deserve any other input from me (like interesting youtube videos or interesting quotes).
I use twitter for everything else. Sometimes I want to share—I don’t really care who reads it, but I know I will feel better if I share. I also like twitter because the feedback to my thought is basically instant. Usually the replies are unfiltered and candid, so it is great for feedback.