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by Sam Aaron.
Original Post: Exploring Rubinius
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Wowsers, so you went ahead and got Rubinius working on your machine. You played about with sirb, and sighed at the beauty of the coloured error reports. What more in life could you want? Well, you’re reading this, so you must want more. So, before we can go anywhere, we need to have a look round and explore the structure of the project.
(This article is currently a general dumping ground for my current knowledge of the Rubinius codebase gleaned from reading the code, chatting to people in #Rubinius, and this wiki page. I’ll keep it up to date as both the directory structure changes, and my understanding of the codebase increases.)
If we look inside a fresh clone of Rubinius, we can see the following text files:
Rakefile, Makefile and configure were used to build Rubinius. The other files should be fairly self-explanatory. Go ahead, and read them. There are also a whole bunch of directories:
bin configure examples hashi lib shotgun stdlib
compiler doc extensions kernel runtime spec test
Let’s go through these in turn:
This directory contains a number of scripts mainly used to test Rubinius. For example, a mini version of RSpec (mspec) is included in this directory. There are also scripts to determine code coverage (completeness), support continuous integration (ci), and autotest amongst others. Ignore bin/rcc, bin/rasm, and bin/bm as they are now deprecated.
The compiler directory includes the translator, compiler and the assembler. The compiler turns a sexp to rubinius assembly. See kernel/core/compile.rb if you are looking for the entry point into this code
The doc directory is currently an out of date dump of a bunch of documentation files. The stuff in here is due to be cleaned up and added to as more project documentation is written.
Code samples. Likely to be deleted
Theoretically, a place to put Subtend extensions. Likely to be deleted.
This is an experimental directory containing files that implement essential features of the Rubinius bootstrap library. The goal is to enable the Rubinius core libraries to be run on other implementations like MRI and JRuby.
kernel/core â Ruby code to implement the MRI ‘core’ libraries
kernel/bootstrap â Minimal implementations of various classes that are needed to load the rest of the system. Usually overriden when kernel/core loads
kernel/platform â Platform-specific code and support. See platform/ffi.rb for details
MRI C standard library code, rewritten in Ruby. StringIO and Socket are two current examples
Compiled output from the kernel/ and compiler/ directories
The parts of Rubinius that are written in C, or generate C code. Fore example, there is a local copy of parsetree in shotgun/lib/grammar_runtime.c which converts the c struct from grammar.y into a sexp. This directory also contains the MRI parser (shotgun/lib/grammar.y) which reads in ruby and spits out sexps.
Specs for Rubinius and also Ruby. This is an ambitious branch of the Rubinious project aimed at speccing out MRI’s behaviour.
An imported copy of the Ruby 1.8.6 standard library. Note that there are only Ruby files in here.
Pre-spec test code, and tests borrowed from other Ruby implementations