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Using Stubs to Capture Test Essence

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Jay Fields

Posts: 765
Nickname: jayfields
Registered: Sep, 2006

Jay Fields is a software developer for ThoughtWorks
Using Stubs to Capture Test Essence Posted: May 5, 2008 11:28 PM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz by Jay Fields.
Original Post: Using Stubs to Capture Test Essence
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Back in January of 2006 I wrote about Using Stubs and Mocks to Convey Intent. In those days I was working mainly with C# and NMock and the simplest way to create a stub was to allow ReSharper generate a stub based on an Interface. This introduced a bit more effort when first generating the stub and added complexity around where the stubs should live and how they should be used. Despite the additional effort, I still felt that using them was a net gain.

Things are very different in the Ruby world. While using C#, Dependency Injection was something I used religiously; however, using Ruby I can simply stub the new method of a dependency. C# had hurdles that made stubbing controversial; however, using stubs in Ruby tests is basically seamless thanks to Mocha. Mocha makes it easy to Replace Collaborators with Stubs, but you shouldn't stop there--you should also Replace Mocks with Stubs.

Replacing Mocks with Stubs is beneficial for several reasons. Stubs are more concise. One of the largest problems with tests is that they can be overwhelming the first time you look at them. Reducing a 3 line mock definition to stub(:one => 1, :two => 2) is almost always a readability win.

Stubs are great, but you may need to use a mock to verify behavior. However, you don't need to verify several behaviors in one test. Using a single mock to verify specific behavior and stubbing all other collaborations is an easy way to create tests that focus on essence. Following the One Expectation per Test suggestion often results in using one or more stubs... and more robust tests.

Using stubs is a good first step towards concise and relevant test code; however, you can take stubs a step further. Mocha defines a stub_everything method that creates an object which will return nil to any message it doesn't understand. The stub_everything stubs are fantastic for dependencies that are used several times, but you are only interested in specific interactions. The interactions which are unimportant for the current test no longer need to be defined.

Stubs can be even more valuable if you are interested verifying a single interaction but are completely uninterested in all other interactions. In that case it's possible to define a stub_everything and set an expectation on it. Consider the following sample code.

class MessageService
def self.deliver(message)
message.from = current_user
message.sent = Gateway.process(message)

def test_the_message_is_sent
message = stub_everything

Since the expects method is defined on Object you can set expectations on concrete objects, mocks, and stubs. This results in a lot of possible combinations for defining concise behavior based tests.

Lastly stubbing can help with test essence by allowing you to stub methods you don't care about. The following example defines a gateway that creates a message, sends the message, and parses the response.

class MessageGateway
def process(message_text)
response = post(create_request(message_text))

def post(message)
# ...

def create_request(message_text)
# ...

def parse_response(response)
# ...

The Gateway#process method is the only method that would be used by clients. In fact, it probably makes sense to make post, create_request, and parse_response private. While it's possible to test private methods, I prefer to create tests that verify what I'm concerned with and stub what I don't care about. Using partial stubbing I can always test using the public interface.

def test_create_request
gateway =
gateway.expects(:post).with("<text>hello world</text>")
gateway.process("hello world")

def test_post
gateway =
gateway.stubs(:create_request).returns("<text>hello world</text>")

def test_parse_response
gateway =
assert_equal true, gateway.process("")

The combination of partial stubbing and defining small methods results in highly focused tests that can independently verify behavior and avoid cascading failures.

Mocha makes it as easy to define a mock as it is to define a stub, but that doesn't mean you should always prefer mocks. In fact, I generally prefer stubs and use mocks when necessary.

Read: Using Stubs to Capture Test Essence

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