This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Matt Bauer.
Original Post: Speaking @ MinneBar
Feed Title: blogmmmultiworks
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Feed Description: Thoughts on Ruby, hosting and more
I'm very excited to be speaking at MinneBar this weekend. If you don't know about MinneBar, show up and find out. It's the premier tech get together in Minnesota and a top rank event for the entire Midwest. People will be presenting on a wide number of topics.
I'm excited to present on talk titled: Outsourcing Rails: or How I Stopped Worrying and Love the Enterprise. This is something I've been thinking about for a few months but last week when I was in New York it finally clicked. It's taking a lot of work but this presentation is really coming together. I plan to cover why Ruby on Rails and the Midwest might just save the enterprise. I'll share my experiences with outsourcing Ruby on Rails to various parts of the world, what the large outsourcing firms are doing, why they don't get it and how the Midwest could destroy their business in months. You will not be disappointed with this presentation.
This presentation will be the start of many posts, articles and presentation about what I call Farmsourcing. Stay tuned. I plan to change the game.