This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Jay Fields.
Original Post: Understanding Why
Feed Title: Jay Fields Thoughts
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Feed Description: Thoughts on Software Development
Why is the most important question a software developer can ask. It is your responsibility as a developer and failing to do so is negligent and unprofessional.
I think Fred George would agree with me. Why is important enough to Fred that he uses it to determine if you are an apprentice or a journeyman.
An apprentice is a developer who is still learning the requisite skills... Techniques are being learned, but the why of the technique is still a bit vague. --Fred George
Unfortunately, I don't think why is asked nearly enough.
A great example is best practices. Best practices are defined by masters to help journeyman and apprentices learn and complete their tasks. But, best practices are rarely silver bullets, in fact the vast majority of best practices are heavily influenced by context. And, this is where the problem lies, the vast majority of software developers don't ask why a practice is considered best. Instead the common behavior is to blindly follow contextual advise without any thought given to the current situation.
Most test suites are also great examples of people failing to ask why. Programmers have gotten quite good at using OO concepts and patterns, but do they truly apply to testing? Largely, no. Of course, that's not surprising since tests are not object oriented.
Tests are often written using an object oriented language, but the tests themselves are not object oriented. In fact, the large majority of tests are purely procedural. Tests have one entry point and (hopefully) one exit point. Tests generally set up some state, then verify a result, that's it. Since tests are not object oriented, concepts such as DRY, inheritance, and polymorphism often lead to less readable code.
The problem is, rarely does anyone ask why a test is written and what purpose does it serve.
I write tests that help me write better applications. Tests must be readable, reliable, and performant. I want tests that focus on one thing, so when the test breaks I can quickly figure out what has gone wrong. I want tests that only break when something went wrong, so I don't waste time investigating side effects. And, I want tests that run quickly, so I can run them hundreds of times a day. When I write a test, I ask those questions, not whether my code follows good OO patterns.
Not asking why leads to poorly designed applications. Conversely, asking why often leads to innovation. Someone asking why led to C, Java, Smalltalk, Ruby, and every other language. Why also led to evolved frameworks and various other productivity boosting tools.
Asking why is almost always a good thing, and doing so is your professional responsibility.