This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by James Britt.
Original Post: Be a Ruby Hero
Feed Title: James Britt: Ruby Development
Feed URL:
Feed Description: James Britt: Playing with better toys
There are many people doing outstanding work in Rubyland. Some are doing it to scratch their own itch; some are doing it to give back to a great developer community, and some are just trying to make a buck. Few of them want or expect any awards for what they do. (Well, those looking to make a buck excepted.)
No matter. Chances are, whether you’re a Ruby Nuby or hard-core Ruby hacker, your life (or your code, at least) has been improved because of what these folks have done. And, chances are, while you may think highly of them, you probably have never taken the time to actually let them know.
Well, you should.
Be a Ruby hero. Drop an E-mail to someone whose blog post got you thinking a little more clearly or whose gem or patch maybe saved you hours of work. If, at a conference, you run into someone whose efforts have made things even just a little better for you, say thanks, and offer to buy a coffer or a beer.
Don’t take things for granted. Step up and say thanks. You don’t need a committee to tell you who the heroes are; you already know.
Think for yourself, act for yourself, take the initiative. say “Thanks”, and be a hero to them.