This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Robby Russell.
Original Post: Boxcar Conductor: Rails deployment made easy
Feed Title: Robby on Rails
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Ruby on Rails development, consulting, and hosting from the trenches...
In a previous post, I showed how we’ve been working on an interactive deployment process for Rails applications to reduce the time it takes to deploy to a Boxcar.
We began to move our Boxcar deployment recipes into it’s own Rails plugin and just made it available on GitHub.
Introducing Boxcar Conductor
The Boxcar Conductor plugin aims to automate the entire process for deploying to your Boxcar. We’re down to just a few simple commands to run to get your application up and running. While mileage may vary with other hosting providers, we did want to open up this work to the community and centralize our work with the community of Boxcar customers who have helped us build and test these tools.
Install Boxcar Conductor
If you’re running on Edge Rails… you can take advantage of the new support for installing plugins in git repositories.
Which database server will you be using? (along with db user/pass info)
How many mongrels should run in your cluster?
After a few quick multiple choice answers, you’re application is ready to be deployed and you can run an Boxcar-specific deployment task.
$ cap deploy
We’ve also created a new public project on Lighthouse so that you can submit tickets and ideas to us. With Boxcar, we’re really aiming to remove as many steps from the deployment process that aren’t necessary.