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The lightest lightweight threads, Protothreads

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Eigen Class

Posts: 358
Nickname: eigenclass
Registered: Oct, 2005

Eigenclass is a hardcore Ruby blog.
The lightest lightweight threads, Protothreads Posted: Apr 1, 2008 3:12 AM
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Last week, I used the Lwt cooperative lightweight thread library to implement a benchmark that measures context switch performance, determined that it was GC bound and timed it against comparable programs (i.e., the fastest implementations in the computer language benchmark games, which are all based on lightweight threads) and a C version that uses POSIX threads, obtaining these results:

implementationmemory usagetime (s)
Haskell GHC 6.8.22680KB1.22
OCaml ocamlopt 1024Kword minor heap5178KB1.85
Haskell GHC 6.8.2 -threaded, -N12760KB1.9
Erlang R12B-1 HiPE5996KB3.96
OCaml ocamlopt 32Kword minor heap970KB4.24
Haskell GHC 6.8.2 -threaded, -N23300KB15.27
GCC C (POSIX threads)4520KB28.7

Here are the figures I get for the C version I made with Protothreads:

GCC C (Protothreads, optimum scheduling)220KB0.076s
GCC C (Protothreads, pessimum scheduling)220KB18.6s

(Read below for an explanation of the difference between optimum and pessimum scheduling policies.)

It is nearly 400 times faster than the C version with POSIX threads, and represents a one order of magnitude improvement over the other lightweight thread implementations. It also needs less memory. The performance is almost unbelievable. Where's the catch, ugly code maybe? Judge for yourself; here are the Protothreads and the POSIX threads C implementations head to head*1:

/* Protothreads, 0.076s*/                      /* POSIX threads, 28.7s */
#include <stdio.h>                             #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>                            #include <stdlib.h>
#include "pt.h"                                #include <pthread.h>
#include "pt-sem.h"                            #include <limits.h>
#define NUM_THREADS 503                        #define NUM_THREADS 503
static struct pt thread_context[NUM_THREADS];  struct stack {
static int data[NUM_THREADS];                     char x[PTHREAD_STACK_MIN];
static struct pt_sem mutex[NUM_THREADS];       };
static                                         static pthread_mutex_t mutex[THREADS];
PT_THREAD(thread(struct pt *pt, int id))       static int data[THREADS];
{                                              static struct stack stacks[THREADS];
  static int token;                            
  static int r;                                static void* thread(void *num)
  PT_BEGIN(pt);                                {
                                                  int l = (int)num;
  while(1) {                                      int r = (l+1) % THREADS;
      PT_SEM_WAIT(pt, &mutex[id]);                int token;
      token = data[id];                        
      r = (id + 1) % NUM_THREADS;                 while(1) {
      if(token) {                                    pthread_mutex_lock(mutex + l);
          data[r] = token - 1;                       token = data[l];
          PT_SEM_SIGNAL(pt, &mutex[r]);              if (token) {
      } else {                                          data[r] = token - 1;
          printf("%d\n", id + 1);                       pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex + r);
          exit(0);                                   }
      }                                              else {
  }                                                     printf("%i\n", l+1);
  PT_END(pt);                                           exit(0);
}                                                    }
int                                            }
main(int argc, char *argv[])                   
{                                              int main(int argc, char **argv)
 int i;                                        {
                                                  int i;
 if(argc != 2) exit(255);                         pthread_t cthread;
 data[0] = atoi(argv[1]);                         pthread_attr_t stack_attr;
 for(i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {               if (argc != 2) exit(255);
     PT_SEM_INIT(&mutex[i], 0);                   data[0] = atoi(argv[1]);
 }                                                pthread_attr_init(&stack_attr);
 PT_SEM_INIT(&mutex[0], 1);                       for (i = 0; i < THREADS; i++) {
                                                     pthread_mutex_init(mutex + i, NULL);
 while(1) {                                          pthread_mutex_lock(mutex + i);
     for(i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++)          
         thread(&thread_context[i], i);              pthread_attr_setstack(&stack_attr, &stacks[i], 
 }                                                                         sizeof(struct stack));
}                                                    pthread_create(&cthread, &stack_attr, thread, 
                                                  pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex + 0);
                                                  pthread_join(cthread, NULL);

Even though the Protothreads code is similar to the one with pthreads, there are two important differences:

  • there is no thread-local data in the Protothreads version. r is recomputed on each iteration
  • the proto threads are scheduled manually by running all the corresponding functions in sequence

These dissimilarities give some insight into the nature of Protothreads. They are little more than small state machines whose state is stored in an opaque pt structure. Protothreads' implementation consists of a few preprocessor macros in headers, so the best way to see how they work is to examine the output of the preprocessor (gcc -E, slightly abridged and reformatted here):


Read: The lightest lightweight threads, Protothreads

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