James Britt
Posts: 1319
Nickname: jamesbritt
Registered: Apr, 2003
James Britt is a principal in 30 Second Rule, and runs ruby-doc.org and rubyxml.com
Sudden Thoughts from MountainWest RubyConf 2008
Posted: Mar 29, 2008 5:08 PM
Having a blast.
Still, there are things you don’t think of until you’re here.
Things to do before attending a conference:
Research food options near the conference location, or you will waste time walking and looking
Print out Google maps for points of interest near conference location (esp. food)
Cache doc files for things you think you may be hacking on which require access to Web-based docs.
Good for planes, plus teh intarwebs have a knack for going down right when you need that API reference, so fill up that drive
Use a distributed revision control tool so you can keep committing, net or not
But you’re already doing that, right?
If speaking:
Inquire about the projector resolution you’ll be using
Practice your preso at the run-time resolution.
Inquire about physical screen size and audience seating distance
Fonts that look nice on your laptop screen may be unreadable to your audience
This is especially important if you plan on using screencasts, since you may not be able to do anything about the font size when you present.
Read: Sudden Thoughts from MountainWest RubyConf 2008