This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Philippe Hanrigou.
Original Post: Speaking at MountainWest RubyConf 2008, March 28 and 29
Feed Title: Latest updates from PH7
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Tips and resources on Ruby, Java, Unix, Object-Oriented Programming, Design Patterns and Agile methodologies.
Mountain West RubyConf is a great Ruby conference, one that manages to have an intimate environment, not to mention a great panel of speakers, so I feel very honored to have been selected to present a session there. Big thanks to the MountainWest RubyConf organizers and especially to Pat Eyler of On Ruby and On Erlang fame.
My talk will introduce and demonstrate some key system diagnostic tools and techniques in the context of Ruby and Ruby on Rails development. I learnt the hard way on the field, a collection of troubleshooting techniques which are not widely documented nor well-known within the Rails community. During the session, I will demonstrate some techniques already covered in my Addison-Wesley shortcut, Troubleshooting Ruby Processes, as well as others strategies and tools which are new, or lack sufficient documentation.