This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by James Britt.
Original Post: Generation Help
Feed Title: James Britt: Ruby Development
Feed URL:
Feed Description: James Britt: Playing with better toys
A small plea to people writing code generator tools.
If you have a tool that creates, say, an application skeleton, like this:
$ wooblegen appname
please do not blindly process an argument of “help”.
A few times I’ve forgotten the options to one or another tool, invoked it with an argument of ‘help’, and ended up with a boatload of directories and files, none of which were very helpful.
The correct behavior would be to scold the user (such as myself) , explaining that the standard invocation would be possibly -h or --h or -help or -H, but not, you know, help. Then give a choice to generate stuff or get help.