This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Dave Hoover.
Original Post: Moving to O'Reilly
Feed Title: Red Squirrel Reflections
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Dave Hoover explores the psychology of software development
After my Lorax-like Apprenticeship rant last year, I've had my nose to a few different grindstones, leading Obtiva's Craftsmanship Studio, working on the Apprenticeship Patterns, and attempting to be a good enough husband and father to Staci and the kids. Things are leveling off now as I'm beginning to understand a bit more about what it takes to manage a Craftsmanship Studio and I'm starting to pick up some momentum on the book writing. I'm excited to announce that Ade and I have decided that the Apprenticeship Patterns will be published by O'Reilly as Software Craftsmanship: From Apprentice to Journeyman in their Theory In Practice series. One of the main reasons that we chose O'Reilly is their commitment to the web and their alignment with my vision for the web site and community that I wanted to develop around the book. I'm pleased to say that they have provided an excellent platform (press release) to facilitate exactly the sort of situation I wanted: full content of the patterns available the public, community forums, and a blog.
Most of my blogging attention will be focused on the book, but I will also be posting tidbits of my lower-level day-to-day development work on my Stumblog. If you'd like to continue to follow me via feeds, please subscribe to the book feed and the Stumblog feed.