This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Robby Russell.
Original Post: RubyURL through QuickSilver
Feed Title: Robby on Rails
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Ruby on Rails development, consulting, and hosting from the trenches...
When Chris Griffin saw this post, he wanted to do the same with RubyURL. Since the ShortURL gem was broken, I didn’t get a chance to dive into it. However, with the shorturl command now working again with RubyURL, we get QuickSilver and RubyURL working together really quickly.
First, you’ll need a recent version of the ShortURL gem installed.
sudo gem install shorturl
Then you will want to add the following to ~/Library/Scripts/rubyurl.scpt. You will need to create this file.
# Change accordingly if shorturl is not under /usr/bin/shorturl
set shorturl_cmd to "/opt/local/bin/shorturl"
tell application "Safari"
set original_url to URL of front document
end tell
set cmd to shorturl_cmd & " " & original_url
set ruby_url to do shell script cmd
set the clipboard to ruby_url as text
Then you can add this script to run through QuickSilver. For details, jump to the setup process on this post.