This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Ryan Davis.
Original Post: ZenTest version 3.7.0 has been released!
Feed Title: Polishing Ruby
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Musings on Ruby and the Ruby Community...
ZenTest provides 4 different tools and 1 library: zentest, unit_diff,
autotest, multiruby, and Test::Rails.
ZenTest scans your target and unit-test code and writes your missing
code based on simple naming rules, enabling XP at a much quicker
pace. ZenTest only works with Ruby and Test::Unit.
unit_diff is a command-line filter to diff expected results from
actual results and allow you to quickly see exactly what is wrong.
autotest is a continous testing facility meant to be used during
development. As soon as you save a file, autotest will run the
corresponding dependent tests.
multiruby runs anything you want on multiple versions of ruby. Great
for compatibility checking!
Test::Rails helps you build industrial-strength Rails code.
3.7.0 / 2007-12-21
8 minor enhancements:
Added add_mapping to make file mappings cleaner.
Added assert_callback thanks to Aaron Patterson.
Added autotest/cctray.
Added extrafiles and extraclass_map, allowing .autotest files to be awesome.
Added url for lettuce principal thanks to Hugh Sasse.
Added zentest.rb refactorings thanks to Hugh Sasse.
Exceptions are now an array of regexps, built after :initialize hook.
Removed rubyfork and rubyfork_client. Eric got a faster laptop. :P
6 bug fixes:
Fixed all my annoyances with @exceptions.
Fixed crasher in autotest/redgreen for non-matches.
Fixed everything to work with ruby 1.9.
Fixed rubygem requires causing strangeness in tests.
Fixed zentest mapping so ruby2ruby and test_ruby2ruby work.
Removed stupid YAML methods from TrueClass during
testing. (Infected by Test::Rails' use of rubygems)