This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Andy Delcambre.
Original Post: Macworld '08 Predictions
Feed Title: Andy Delcambre
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Feed Description: Andy has been using Ruby and Ruby on Rails since 2006 and has been working with Ruby on Rails professionally since June 2007.
I was chatting with some friends today about Macworld 2008, and we discussed what we were expecting to see. I thought I would put my predictions here for posterity’s sake.
So here we go, in no particular order:
iPhone SDK
No new iPhone hardware mentioned (new hardware with 3g and gps announced at wwdc, released in October)
No new ipods
Refresh to the whole portable line, speed bumps, led backlit displays
Ultra portable macbook, 13” screen, 3 lbs, SSD (flash disk drive), led backlit display, no optical drive, base $1600, top of the line $2000
Mac Pro refesh, maybe all new look
Appletv refresh maybe
What do you think? I am drooling over the ultra portable, really hoping to see that one. Also very curious what the iPhone sdk will be like.