This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Matt Bauer.
Original Post: Available For Hire
Feed Title: blogmmmultiworks
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Thoughts on Ruby, hosting and more
I've just finished up my current contract and am in the market for a new one. If you have a contract or know of a someone who has a contract, feel free to send them my way.
I have a large amount of Rails experience and was a contributor to Obie'sThe Rails Way book. I also have a large amount of systems knowledge as I have a Rails hosting company and am actually a Rubyforge mirror. My most recent was Turfwar which I built from start to finish. I've also contributed to Rails Core and won a Rails Hackfest earlier this year. Here is my Working with Rails profile as well.
Know of anyone in need of a fantastic developer? Email me if you do.