This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Matt Bauer.
Original Post: The Rails Way Is Out!
Feed Title: blogmmmultiworks
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Feed Description: Thoughts on Ruby, hosting and more
I'm really happy to announce that The Rails Way from Addison-Wesley is shipping. Best part is my name is on the cover! I helped Obie Fernandez by writing a couple chapters. Thanks again Obie for the opportunity. This a fantastic book with contributions from some of the best developers out there. It's also focussed around Rails 2.0 which should be out real soon. The book covers not only the concepts but also identifies best practices in many sections. This book will help you:
Increase your productivity as a web developer
Realize the overall joy of programming with Ruby on Rails
Learn whatâs new in Rails 2.0
Drive design and protect long-term maintainability with TestUnit and RSpec
Understand and manage complex program flow in Rails controllers
Leverage Railsâ support for designing REST-compliant APIs
Master sophisticated Rails routing concepts and techniques
Examine and troubleshoot Rails routing
Make the most of ActiveRecord object-relational mapping
Utilize Ajax within your Rails applications
Incorporate logins and authentication into your application
Extend Rails with the best third-party plug-ins and write your own
Integrate email services into your applications with ActionMailer
Choose the right Rails production configurations
Streamline deployment with Capistrano
Bring your copy to MinneDemo tomorrow and I'll sign it - hehe.