This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Nathaniel Brown.
Original Post: Internet Sync, is it really that hard to do?
Feed Title: Nathaniel Brown
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Feed Description: Insight as a professional Technology Consltant and Photographer.
Well I have never done it yet, and it sure sounds interesting, but how about that. You look at Cell phones, iPods, and well pretty much every other mobile device that has internet and you see that they have to sync by plugging them in.
Honestly, that's why I always trail off with using these things is that:
a) Either too much of a pain to charge the battery so often
b) I get bored of having to sync it all the time.
So back to the title. Why not just have it sync over the internet? With the iPhone's and iPod Touch's coming out these days, and even the other new cell's coming out nearly as good. Not one have I seen that sync's wirelessly. The iTouch's have the Wifi capability, so there's no reason why not to. They get internet just as quick, why not a webservice call?
I am believing that they are going to read this and come out with it or someone else will, but if I don't see it soon enough, surely I will see about building it myself. Would anyone else use it? Curious to know.. email me at nshb(at) - which also works for MSN too - and let's hear it.