This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Eric Hodel.
Original Post: RubyGems 0.9.5
Feed Title: Segment7
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Posts about and around Ruby, MetaRuby, ruby2c, ZenTest and work at The Robot Co-op.
New bandwidth and memory friendlier index file format
“Offline” mode (—no-update-sources)
Bulk update threshold can be specified (-B,—bulk-threshold)
New gem fetch command
gem now has “really verbose” output when you specify -v
Ruby 1.9 compatible
Other changes include:
Time::today is deprecated and will be removed at a future date
gem install --include-dependencies (-y) is now deprecated since it is the default, use—ignore-dependencies to turn off automatic dependency installation
gem.bat and bin stubs on mswin platforms are improved and compatible with the One-Click Installer
Multi-version diamond dependencies only are installed once
Bulk index updates take less memory
-V now enables verbose instead of -v to avoid collision with—version’s -v
gem install -i makes sure all depenencies are installed
gem update --system reinstalls into the prefix it was originally installed in
Gem::Specification#platforms should no longer be a String, use Gem::Platform::CURRENT when building binary gems instead
gem env has more diagnostic information
require ‘rubygems’ loads less code
sources.gem is gone, RubyGems now uses built-in defaults
gem install --source will no longer add—source by default, use gem sources --add to make it a permanent extra source
gem query (list) no longer prints details by default
Exact gem names are matched in various places
mkrf extensions are now supported
A gem can depend on a specific RubyGems version
gem_server is now gem server
gemlock is now gem lock
gem_mirror is now gem mirror
gemwhich is now gem which
gemri is no longer included with RubyGems
index_gem_repository.rb is now gem generate_index
gem performs more validation of parameters
Removed gem* commands are now replaced with stubs that warn
Custom rdoc styles are now supported
Gem indexer no longer removes quick index during index creation
Kernel#require only rescues a LoadError for the file being required now
gem dependencies can now display some information for remote gems
Notes and issues:
Old gem scripts (gem_mirror, gem_server, gemlock, gemri, gemwhich, index_gem_repository.rb) are not cleaned up
There still appears to be a bug related to bulk updates of YAML indexes
Special Thanks
Daniel Berger for win32 support and testing
Luis Lavena for win32 support and testing
Tom Copeland for help testing and releasing the new indexer
Wilson Bilkovich for the new Marshal index format
To the rest of the RubyGems bug reporters and patch contributors
The full set of changes including contributors is included in the ChangeLog.
RubyGems now automatically handles platform gems. This means that gem install will no longer prompt for gem selection. RubyGems uses Ruby’s built-in configuration to match the running ruby’s platform to choose the correct gem to install. The automatically chosen platform may be overridden with the—platform option.
The dependency, fetch, install, outdated, specification, uninstall and update commands all respond to—platform.