This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Matt Bauer.
Original Post: When Posting A Rails Job...
Feed Title: blogmmmultiworks
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Feed Description: Thoughts on Ruby, hosting and more
Attention HR department. Just a kindly bit of advice. If you are posting for a Rails developer on a Rails site, please don't title your posting: ROR Developer needed. Really, how am I suppose to your the one for me? After all your posting title makes it sound like anyone will do. That makes me think you're just a skanky hoe that goes with anyone carrying a MacBook Pro. Instead why don't you be picky like a high school homecoming queen? Here, let me help:
Flex front end, memcache, clustered environment
Backend developer: drb, ar_mailer, NDB MySQL
Existing team of 6 - you to do Frontend & Backend work
If you don't don't specify you just end up blending in with all the other skanky hoes.