This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Andy Delcambre.
Original Post: RubyURL Bookmarklet - Now with Google Maps Support
Feed Title: Andy Delcambre
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Andy has been using Ruby and Ruby on Rails since 2006 and has been working with Ruby on Rails professionally since June 2007.
The RubyURL bookmarklet is a god send, want to link somewhere that has a long url? Just click the RubyURL this link button and copy the address, the problem that I had is that it didn’t work with google maps, which have extremely long urls and requires many steps to generate a RubyURL. First you click, “link to this page”, copy the text from the little popup, go to, paste the text and get your RubyURL.
I figured that there must be a way to grab that link from the document itself on the Google Maps site. I whipped out my Javascript book and got it working in short order.
Which is ugly as it’s a bookmarklet. Drag this to your bookmark bar if you want to start using it: RubyURL this Link
You don’t even need to click the “Link to this page” link on google maps before using it, it grabs it right out of the document. I will try to get this added to the RubyURL site as the official bookmarklet as well.
Are there other sites that don’t work well with the bookmarklet? Let me know in the comments!