There is a certificate course at the UW starting this fall. It is 3 quarters long starting at rubynewb, then rails/web development, then rubyjedi. no, not the real titles. You are not required to take all three courses. do what feels right. To take just one:
There is space available. apparently, plenty of space... so take make this a success, if you are interested or suspect someone you know is interested, PLEASE, help make it happen.
Course syllabus for fall quarter is below:
Language Summary
hello world
invoking methods (go see ri)
Basic datatypes: string, range, numbers, regexps, symbols
Control flow structures: if/unless/case/loop/while/until
Testing Concepts & Unit Testing
From here on out, the classes and homework will be
driven via tests:
All homework will have impl and tests where the student
needs to write tests for the impl and find any possible
bugs and write impl for the tests to make them pass. By
attacking on both sides, you'll get a better
appreciation for TDD and still have real world examples
of (buggy) code without tests.
Language in More Detail
Containers: Arrays, Hashes, Files... Enumerable
More control flow
Iterators & closures (incl syntax for x in y;
Exception handling
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
is-a vs. has-a, instances vs classes
include/extend, when to use vs classes
Philosophical: do the simplest thing that could possibly work
Playing with Standard Libraries
Libraries (find, time, yaml, marshal)
RubyGems / RAA / rubyforge
tcp chat server
Projects Week 1: iTunes Data Mining, Inc.
or self-driven project you'd rather.
Projects Week 2: Student Driven
Regular Expressions, CSV, Data Mining
Projects Week 3: Extending by playing with Popular Libraries
Hpricot - html/xml parser
Mechanize - web scraper
Playing Well with Others
Working with & contributing to the open-source community