This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Antonio Cangiano.
Original Post: and a couple of updates
Feed Title: Zen and the Art of Ruby Programming
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Antonio Cangiano's blog about Ruby development.
The website is a DB2 blog aggregator that is about to be launched in a few days. If you work with, or are interested in, DB2, you may want
to take a sneak peek and subscribe to the feed.
Everyone who blogs regularly about DB2 is welcome to add their feed, whether you are an IBMer or not, by just getting in touch with us at join [at]
I also have a quick update in regards to Python, Django and DB2. I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to contribute to the discussion. The amount of feedback received was very encouraging and it has been carefully collected and will
be taken into serious consideration. I’ll provide updates within this blog,
as soon as news comes up from the dedicated development team at IBM.
Lastly, since publishing the first Ruby Shootout, I’ve received many inquires in regards to a new test run. Testing is in progress and the results, which will include updated versions and new entries like XRuby, will be published relatively soon.