This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Jay Fields.
Original Post: Rails: Generating an Oracle DDL without Oracle installed
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At my current project we are developing on Mac Minis and deploying to linux boxes. A fairly large problem with developing on Mac Minis is that there's no driver for Oracle that runs on the Intel Mac Minis.
We (painfully at times) address this problem by running Postgres locally and Oracle on our CI boxes. This works for us, but recently we ran into some pain. We needed to create SQL scripts from our schema definitions.
We store our schema definitions in the same format as a migration, but we put them all in one block, similar to the code below.
And, we define our db:migrate to simply require this file.
task :migrate => :environment do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(environment) require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../db/schema/release_1.rb' end
Since we run against Oracle on our CI boxes we could generate the DDL as a build artifact, but each time we make a change to the DDL we would need to check-in to see the changes for Oracle. This wasn't the most efficient use of our time, so we decided to get the OracleAdapter working on our MacMinis, despite not having the OCI8 drivers or oracle installed.
The code isn't the cleanest I've written, but it's also not as bad as I expected. It works for generating DDLs; however, it won't work if you have any code that requires a trip to the database to get table information (SomeActiveRecordSubClass.create is a good example of code that requires a trip).
namespace :db do namespace :generate do namespace :oracle do desc "generate sql ddl" task :ddl do $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) + "../../../tools/fake_oci8" Rake::Task[:environment].execute file = + "/db/oracle_shinobi_ddl.sql", 'w')
ActiveRecord::Base.instance_eval do def connection nil end end
class ActiveRecord::Schema < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.define (info={}, &block) instance_eval(&block) end end
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.class.class_eval do define_method :execute do |*args| file << "#{args.first};\n" end end
Rake::Task[:"db:migrate"].execute file.close end end end
Much like a previous entry, I'm stealing the execute method to get the generated SQL. This time, I've also stolen the AR::Base.connection method and put an OracleAdapter in there. The change to AR::Schema is required because the original method updates the schema_info table at the end. Since I'm not using migrations, the update is unnecessary.
The result: An Oracle specific DDL generated without actually connecting to an Oracle database.