This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Agnieszka Figiel.
Original Post: Ruby Day 3 in Kraków
Feed Title: agnessa's blog
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Feed Description: ruby and rails impressions from a beginner developer
Today’s event was again organised by Lunar Logic Polska. This time it was a session of presentations delivered by members, but shorter than last time, with four speeches.
Szymon Kurcab spoke about dynamic model generation in ruby, and showed a great number of examples of metaprogramming techniques.
Artur Bilski gave a speech entitled “Flex on Rails” about Flex and ways of integrating it with a rails backend, with examples demonstrating the elegance of this approach.
Maciej Książek showed us the ZenTest package and demonstrated how it can encourage test driven development using the autotest tool.
Jarosław Rzeszótko, while talking about JRuby, presented the current progress of various attempts to port ruby to more efficient runtime environments.